..if you want to be given everything, give everything up..

Monday, January 09, 2006

Marks, Madagascar and 37 Days!

Ok, so i haven't really updated this in a while so i think i might just do that. Not a lot has happened since i last blogged. I got my first semester marks back, didn't do so great but i'm ok with the marks for my first semester of college. All C's except for one D+ and a fail. So i'm going to try even harder this semester to bump those up to maybe a couple B's, a couple C's, and a fail. Just kidding. No fails this time around. I'm determined! Also, i chose a new favourite movie. Well actually this movie ties A Walk to Remember for first (dont laugh). It's tied with...*drumrole*...Madagascar. I accidentally watched a bit of it when my nephew was up and i laughed my butt off. So i watched it fully that night, and again the next day, twice. I have honeslty never enjoyed a movie so much in my life. From the Melman, to the penguins, to the lemurs, it's truly a great movie. Especially King Julian. But i'd have to say my favourite quote from the whole movie is:

Gloria: Where are the People?
Penguin: We killed them and ate their livers. Gotcha there didn't i?

I love the penguins. Psychotic or not. Also, i'm going to edmonton for 10 days in 37 days. Very excited, sounds like their might be a tourists day at WEM with the GP folk so i'm stoked!! Anyway it's good to be blogging. Wow..this is my 99th post. One more and im' THERE! (To 100. Obviously..


  • I love A Walk to Remember! I haven't seen Madagascar either, sounds good though!


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:57 PM  

  • I'm excited that you are coming to visit us in Edmonton! What time does your plane get in on the 15th?

    By Blogger lilo, at 10:10 AM  

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