Hey..i know i blogged earlier today..but this i couldn't pass up saying something about. So, i'll tell you about my day. After i got back from the retreat, i went to buy dress pants at Tip Top Tailors at Eglinton Square. So i bought the pants only to find out they have to be, well, tailored. So i took it across the hallway to the tailor place and paid an additional $8 to get them hemmed at the bottom. So they say half an hour. Thats fine, so i started looking around and came across Sunshine Records i think its called, anyway, a music/movie store. And saw a display with the newly released DVD "Crash" for sale. And i had heard amazing things about this movie, so i thought i'd buy it, and i did. Once i got home i kinda put off watching it for a bit but then i finally said, ok il slip it in then pause it halfway or so to get some food. So along came about halfway, and my eyes were glued to the screen. What an amazing movie. Such passion and drama, something i've never actually appreciated quite as much as i did. I'm not going to describe what the movie is about or say ANYTHING about it, but watch it. After the opening credits, the character played by Don Cheadle says this (I took out a part about Los Angeles, but you'll get the picture..):
"It's the sense of touch...I think we
miss that touch so much that we
crash into each other just so
we can feel something"
Wow... makes you think.
Natalie Jill, at 5:24 PM
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