..if you want to be given everything, give everything up..

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

the KinderLESS surprise..and the Canada One Penny

So today was interesting. First off, i'm a kid at heart, obviously. So, when i saw a new shipemtn of Kinder Eggs come in to Shoppers, i HAD to buy one to see what the new gizmos and gadgets were like that were inside these eggs. So i throw the egg to the ground (still in the wrapper), fish my way through the semi white/semi dark chocolate to find the Yellow and orange plastic coating that would soon deliver me a toy! So i opened the plastic. NOTHING. IT WAS EMPTY. For the first time in my life chocolate had screwed me over. Oh wow. I was speechless, like in a state oh "bu...bu...bu...bu...toy?" Anyway, that was intesreting to say the least. And see, i'm not the type of person who gets all hyped up on superstitions, but the penny one. Well thats one i take to heart. I LOVE finding pennies, and, the way i see it, the older the penny, the luckier it is. Simply because more lucky people touch a penny when its older. So i found one today, looked at the front, and DIDNT see a leaf! It said, "Canada- One Penny" on it. I thought...wierd...and looked at the date....1929!! THATS an old penny, so in 75 years this penny has, well, gotten around, so to speak. Yea. So i'll let y'all know how my luck pans out. BACK to work i go!


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