..if you want to be given everything, give everything up..

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Operation Xtreme Redundancy

So i was at work today, as i usually do, and the Post Office guy (who gets the mail), comes by with his trolly or parcels and such when i notice a rather large box on the trolly. What caught me by surprise was NOT the size of the box, but the fact that the person who packaged the box wrote "Large Box" on the side of the large box. And i thought to myself, of COURSE its a large box, LOOK at it! then i stopped and realised that this "large box" is a lot like Christians, and just because we look like something or are a certain way we can't classify ourselves as Christians. We need to go OUT into the world and TELL people we're christians, write it with massive letters on our backs and go and preach the good word. So, just like the box, dont just be a Christian, TELL people you are one too. Hope that made sense


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